
double-double-toil-and-trouble-check locking

After nearly two years of on-and-off work, my cgroups threadgroup interface patches have attained a sufficiently polished state and been accepted into the mmotm tree. This is super exciting! It was hard, interesting, enlightening work from beginning to end, and was the most enjoyable experience I've ever had learning about real-world code:
  1. what kinds of tricks, rules, and infrastructure must go into maintaining a million-line codebase with as many contributors
  2. how to write code that is both complicated and perfect: no symbol may be out of place in either aesthetic style or correct functionality
  3. how to write code that interacts with more parts of a codebase than whose details you can possibly understand; how to intuit what parts you will bump into meaningfully and know exactly where to look for details that will tell you how to negotiate the right interaction
  4. justifying the usefulness of your code before anybody will even consider pulling from you
So, props to the core linux guys: they run a very tight ship, but living conditions are pleasant, and it sails to great places. Having my patches pulled is the ultimate validation that my work was not only interesting and challenging but also new and useful - a full-house of project qualities rarer even than talented programmers. It has been a blast.

What is the big deal? These patches solved an interesting and complicated problem in an interesting and complicated way. The challenge was to atomically migrate all tasks in a threadgroup (in non-linux speak, "threads in a multithreaded process") from one cgroup to another - no activity may cause a thread in that group to remain outside of the target cgroup at the end of the operation (think interleaving fork/exec/exit dances). Here is the landscape of thread management in linux:
  1. Each task_struct ("thread") is on a list for its group, called tsk->thread_group, and also has a pointer to the leader thread of the group, called tsk->group_leader (the leader's leader pointer points to himself). further, the leaders of all groups are on another system-wide list. The standard way to iterate over these lists is with macros called do_each_thread and while_each_thread. All these lists and pointers are protected by RCU and/or the global tasklist_lock, which are atomic-context synchronisation primitives.
  2. In fork(), the new thread is added to the list with tasklist_lock held, though cgroup modifications are done outside of that lock.
  3. In exit(), the tsk->PF_EXITING flag is set, and later, the thread falls off of the list (under RCU). It is unclear what happens to the other threads in a group when its leader exits, but it seems possible for them to stick around.
  4. In exec(), if the process is multithreaded, the calling thread will kill all other threads in the group (by way of zap_other_threads(), which delivers a SIGKILL). Further, if the calling thread is not the group leader, it will steal group leadership from the current leader. The old leader's leader pointer is updated, but other threads' are not, because they are going away - though they may not necessarily fall off of the group list until their signal is processed!
  5. For any task_struct, you can grab a reference on it to prevent it from being freed with get_task_struct(). This does not prevent the task from exiting, nor does it prevent it from falling off of the thread list.
I spent a long time scrambling around trying to do every per-thread operation in cgroup_attach_proc() (my operation) while in RCU read-side. Since you're not allowed to do any blocking operation while in an atomic context, this led me to much yak-shaving, tracking down things like open-coded calls to schedule() and NUMA memory migrations (erk!). I realised the best way was simply to kmalloc() an array as big as the threadgroup, snapshot refcounted pointers for each task_struct into it, and iterate over that instead. Still, since this requires dynamic memory allocation, we need to drop all locks which might protect the thread list between when we obtain a reference on the leader and when we go to iterate over his group list. (This will be important later.)

The fork() problem is obvious: a race between a forking thread (using CLONE_THREAD) and cgroup_attach_proc() may cause the new thread to be left in the old cgroup if the latter happens between when fork() copies the parent thread's old cgroups pointer and when it adds the thread to the tasklist. I solved this by using an rwlock (called "rwsem" in linux-land) which forking threads take in read-mode. There is an issue here, though: fork() is such a hot-path that introducing any shared memory access is dubious, and taking an extra lock (even in read mode!) entails writing to shared memory. The performance regression appears when multiple processors contend for the memory: they have to synchronise their caches, and possibly shoot down the other's entry. There is not much to be done about this if you need to take a lock (almost true: in linux-2.4, there used to exist big-reader locks for solving this problem), so we simply seek to place our lock in memory that is already contended for. Fortunately, the signal_struct is shared among the group, has an appropriate lifespan, and has a reference counter that already bounces.

The exec() problem is somewhat more subtle. Recall from above that we need to drop all locks before allocating an array to snapshot the threadgroup into - when we originally found the task_struct to do our operation on, we knew that it was the leader, but what if when we drop locks before allocating, some other thread does exec() and steals leadership from us? Other threads in the group may exit, causing our links in the threadgroup list to become invalid, making iterating over the group unsafe. Furthermore, since the only thread we hold a reference on is the original thread, we can't even guarantee that following our updated tsk->group_leader pointer is safe.

Hence, the only safe way to snapshot the whole threadgroup after allocating an array big enough to do so is to not only take the RCU lock, but also to re-check whether we are still the group leader after doing so. If we are, then the group list is safe to iterate over, but if we are not, we must drop everything and start over - to look up by TGID whoever is the leader of the group (if it even still exists) again. So we have a check for the threadgroup leader when finding his task_struct to begin with, another check for the consistency of the list upon entering the RCU critical section for the second time, and a loop around the whole thing that retries for as long as it takes for no exec() race to occur. I call this algorithm "double-double-toil-and-trouble-check locking".


atomic all-nighters


In an environment like the Linux kernel, the many ways to deal with concurrency cause a bunch of restrictions on what sorts of things you can do at certain points in your code. The concurrency primitives are, briefly:
  1. mutexes/semaphores: high-level blocking locks, will deschedule you if you need to wait to get it. Very commonly used in many subsystems, to protect data structures, and so on (popular example: tsk->mmap_sem).
  2. spinlocks/RCU: low-level "atomic context" locks, will disable interrupts and spin-wait (in the SMP case). Shouldn't be held around "very expensive" operations (at the very least because another CPU may be spin-waiting on you!). These are needed for, among other reasons, accessing things from an interrupt handler, wherein rescheduling is already not permitted. The global tasklist_lock is a spin-lock, as are the locks on each task_struct (task_lock(tsk)).
  3. There are calls such as yield() and schedule() (and sleep(), ewwww) which explicitly invoke the scheduler, and are sometimes used in open-coded synchronisation dances (to varying stylistic quality) (examples: A and B).
  4. Also of note is the dynamic memory allocator, kmalloc(size_t size, gfp_t flags). The flags argument controls the behaviour of the allocator - the two most common choices:
    • GFP_KERNEL: indicates that it's okay to wait and reschedule if necessary
    • GFP_ATOMIC: "please satisfy this request immediately", and therefore more likely to fail - incidentally, this may also allocate from the kernel's "emergency memory pool", under the assumption that it should end up freed quickly.
    There is also vmalloc(...), which allocates through the VM, and is therefore even more reliable especially for very large contiguous chunks of memory - but also always may sleep in order to complete the request.
You might by this point have figured out the rule, which is that you're not allowed to invoke the scheduler from within an atomic context (i.e. holding a spin-lock / interrupts are disabled / etc), or the world will explode. As a consequence, if you want to lock something while holding another spin-lock, it had better also be protected by a spin-lock (or by RCU); if you want to reliably dynamically allocate memory while juggling a bunch of locks, you'd better not do it while holding anything lower-level than a mutex or semaphore.

There were a bunch of places along the way of implementing the cgroups threadgroup interface patches where I had to tread carefully around my concurrency primitives to not break this rule. There's a macro in linux called "might_sleep()" which you can drop in your scheduler-invoking code as a debugging measure, and it will do a runtime check that everything is OK when it gets hit (there's even a "might_sleep_if(...)" version). But (a) the developer has to think to put it there, and developers are unreliable, and (b) it's a runtime check for something that seems like a static property of the code.

an idea

So it occurred to me that maybe there should be machinery as part of a language's tool-chain that could automatically verify whether code respects the contexts that functions are supposed to run in. It could even be entirely separate from the compiler itself (I was thinking that it might not be too hard to extend my 411 compiler to do it, though all the changes would be in my partner's code, not mine, so). The framework might look something like this:
  1. Independent of the code, a definition of the various contexts that are important to track (and the rules governing their interactions). Here, an individual function could be "MIGHT_SLEEP" or "DOESNT_SLEEP", and call sites (or, regions of code in general) will have a property like "MAY_SLEEP" or "MUSTNT_SLEEP". If a MIGHT_SLEEP function is called from a MUSTNT_SLEEP line of code, print an error message; all other cases are okay. Functions may also change the context at their call sites, so transitions may be specified.
  2. Explicitly annotate those functions which affect the code context:
    • schedule(), as the central function that everything sleeping goes through, should be marked MIGHT_SLEEP.
    • preempt_disable(), which spinlocks and RCU et al. invoke, should transition the call site from MAY_SLEEP to MUSTNT_SLEEP, and preempt_enable(), its dual, turns MUSTNT_SLEEP into MAY_SLEEP.
  3. To a certain extent, the tool can then infer context rules for all other functions in the program. ("spin_lock calls preempt_disable, and task_lock calls spin_lock, and do_stuff calls task_lock on line 7, so after line 7 the code is MUSTNT_SLEEP; on line 8 do_stuff calls kmalloc, which ... MAY_SLEEP, so the code is wrong.") But also you don't want to infer over the whole codebase, so it would also be wise to annotate (where you can) function prototypes in your headers as MIGHT_SLEEP or DOESNT_SLEEP where appropriate.
  4. Sometimes code likes to have callback interfaces, so structs full of function pointers may be built and passed around. A function pointer interface should be specified the same way as a call site (MAY_SLEEP or MUSTNT_SLEEP) and then checked at every point where a function's address is taken to serve as such a pointer.
  5. Actually, some common programming idioms make it hard to say if a function just by name will block or not - like with kmalloc (as described above), which MIGHT_SLEEP if you say GFP_KERNEL, but DOESNT_SLEEP if you say GFP_ATOMIC. So some functions need to be described like MIGHT_SLEEP_IF(ARG(2) == GFP_KERNEL).
    • Functions which take, say, a flags argument to pass through to a kmalloc call will also be MIGHT_SLEEP_IF; the condition would have to propagate.
    • Usually the flag's value is known at compile time; if it's not known (and you're in a MUSTNT_SLEEP section) then the code is of dubious quality anyway and should be errored on.
This is remarkably like typestate, only the stateful object is the code itself. If you imagine every function as additionally passing around a single global object (per-CPU, actually) that represents the execution context, it is basically identical, except the matching conditions are more complicated than typestate's canonical examples.

but actually

There is one big problem, which is that preempt_disable() and preempt_enable() are actually inc_preempt_count() and dec_preempt_count(), and spinlocks can nest. So saying that every time you spin_unlock() you transition into a MAY_SLEEP section misses some of the point! Instead, the context should be a more complicated state-space (in this limited application, a counter will suffice, but it's easy to see how it could have as many fields of as many types as you want). Now the annotations attached to each function are turning into veritable functions on their own... Some accurate rules might look as follows:
  1. The context of any range of code is an Int, with 0 indicating that sleeping is allowed.
  2. The annotation for any function is, generally, an Int -> Bool. For this application, they would be simply either:
    • "const True" (alias "DOESNT_SLEEP"): calling this is always safe
    • "== 0" (alias "MIGHT_SLEEP"): only safe if sleeping is permitted As per point #5 above, the annotation may also refer to the function's arguments, so for kmalloc, it would be something like "(\x -> ARG(2) == GFP_ATOMIC || x == 0)".
  3. An extra annotation indicating changing the context (Int -> Int) may be provided (or inferred). For inc_preempt_count(), it would be "+ 1", and for dec_preempt_count(), it would be "- 1".
  4. Propagation and inference would be a bunch of boolean intersection and function composition. There would certainly be some room to coalesce conditions to avoid redundant condition blow-up, but at some point it would probably be acceptable for the analysis tool to say "this is too much for me to follow, please annotate explicitly".
For such a tool to be possibly useful, it would need to be easy to phase in to an existing codebase. You can't expect every developer who ever wrote code to come back and annotate every function (especially if they're uninteresting!), and you can't do it yourself, but you don't want to have to churn context inference for an hour over a 10000-node call graph every time you modify one function. So it should start with some reasonable defaults: assume that things that are unannotated are safe (all functions behave as DOESNT_SLEEP, all unknown code ranges MAY_SLEEP), so "some problems may go unnoticed, but if we say there's an error, then there is one for sure". Inference can probably be done little bits at a time on each module, and the tool could even spit out auto-generated annotations (subject to hand-review) to go in the corresponding header files to make easy bringing the codebase up to speed.

Well, then.

